Monday, April 28, 2008

O Naturale: May 22nd

Emily and I are putting together an art show as a sort of extension of concepts that we've been working on and trends we've noticed in art and in.. the world. The opening will be May 21st at 400 Morgan Ave, and it will be up for 1 week.

So far artists include:

Sam Bornstein
Tubby Carroll
Patrick Doyle
Tyler Drosdeck
Celeste Dupuy-Spencer
Simone Frazier
Molly Gochman
Henry Gwazda
Brendan Harman
Clara Hess
Kim Holleman
Owen Hutchinson
Zak Kitnick
Josh Kline
Merissa Lombardo
François Leloup-Collet
Matt Lucas
Mollie Mckinley
Keith Pavia
Noah Sparkes
Emily Steinfeld
Ava Warbrick
Revel Woodard

The text below deals with some curatorial thoughts based on conversations about the show. Feel free to add yours.

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